Welcome to our Spotlight series, a place for our Member Publishers to connect with our License Holders, share new works, and offer updates on their catalogs. Interested in reading more from our Spotlight series? Visit this link!

This month we spotlight NOVUM PUBLISHING, LLC. NOVUM PUBLISHING has been a Member Publisher with us since September of 2018. Their catalog also includes titles from the Mercy Crew Publishing, LLC imprint.  

Katie: We are thrilled to have you as a Member Publisher! What top titles or resources would you encourage our License Holders to bring to their congregations?

Will: The Mass of Ascent is the newest offering of liturgical Mass settings from Liturgy Resources and NOVUM PUBLISHING. With easy-to-learn melodic themes, it is the perfect balance of traditional reverence for the Mass and contemporary musicality.

Our Liturgy Resources Psalm packages for the entire of Years B and C (with Year A coming soon) are a great resource for choirs. They offer a blend of metered refrain and chanted verses making it easy to learn for music directors or choir members, as well as memorable for the congregation.

Additionally, here is a list of our most popular contemporary worship songs: 

A note for our License Holders: The Mass of Ascent can be found here. These Mass entries from NOVUM PUBLISHING include downloadable PDF and TIFF files for License Holders with a Reprint License. Consider adding the Mass parts to a List in your account for quick and easy reporting. 

The Liturgy Resources leadership team (pictured from left to right is Will Hickl, James Perkins, Matt Lewis, and Ashley Dean Coppola)

K: What areas of ministry can be supported by your music? What denominations or groups look to you for music? Are there ecumenical options for interfaith communities? 

W: We offer a variety of musical styles that are suitable for any Christian community. We have our new initiative Liturgy Resources serving the Catholic Church, and our contemporary selections can be used in any Christian worship setting. Along with our sister company and in-house record label, NOVUM RECORDS, we work diligently to produce music that crosses and blends multiple genres that support many different types of ministries.

K: What new initiatives, collections or favorite pieces should our License Holders be looking forward to this Lent and Easter? How about Pentecost or into the summer months?

W: Our biggest and most exciting initiative is our platform Liturgy Resources, where we have written and recorded over 150 responsorial psalms that are USCCB-approved and ICEL-approved. For this Lenten / Easter season, we have curated packages of NOVUM PUBLISHING music that help complete any worship or liturgical service. Here is a list of some of our most popular compositions for these seasons:

K: What can our License Holders look forward to from you in the year to come? What other projects would you like us to know about?

W: We have a busy 2022 ahead of us, with all of the following in the works:

  • Numerous contemporary worship songs
  • Communion Hymn collection
  • Liturgical Packages by season
  • Sequences
  • New Music suitable for liturgy & other worship services
  • New Mass Settings, including practice/reference tracks
  • Wedding & Funeral Responsorial Psalm Settings
  • Communion & Entrance Antiphons
  • Weekly Responsorial Psalm Reflections

K: Anything else you would like to share with us?

W: We encourage everyone to check out Liturgy Resources on YouTube, Apple Music, and Spotify! We have made all our recordings available on these platforms to easily use for learning purposes, share with your choirs, and to pray with! We also have Practice-Tracks available for the psalms and Mass settings, so you and your team can use them to rehearse. If you would like to try out our psalms, we offer free weekly emails through our newsletter, which you can sign up for at www.liturgyresources.com.

We also would love your support of all our artists who are constantly working to create new and beautiful music for the Church. Stay up to date on their latest releases and projects by signing up for the NOVUM RECORDS newsletter at novumrecords.com.  

A note for our License Holders: Interested in the Practice-Track options that Will mentions? Take a look here to find out how the Practice-Track License can enhance your music ministry! 

Photo copyright: Elina Sazonova. This image is available for download at www.pexels.com.