Welcome to our Spotlight series, a place for our Member Publishers to connect with our license holders, share new works, and offer updates on their catalogs. Interested in reading more from our Spotlight series? Visit this link!
K: Mark, we are thrilled to have you as a Member Publisher since joining ONE LICENSE in December 2019! What top titles will our users now be able to bring to their congregations?

M: For the upcoming liturgical year, I would especially recommend Psalm 80: Lord, Make Us Turn to You, Psalm 42: Like a Deer That Longs and Psalm 45: The Queen Stands.
All Mark Haas titles are available to our license holders worldwide and can be accessed in the ONE LICENSE system by clicking the links above.
K: What new collections or favorite pieces should our license holders be looking forward to this Advent and Christmas season?
M: I would certainly recommend checking out the complete setting of psalm responses for all three liturgical years of the lectionary. Some of the Advent / Christmas responses are set to common melodies such as SIMPLE GIFTS, PLEADING SAVIOR, THE FIRST NOWELL, and AWAY IN A MANGER. The music is designed to be functional for the cantor and assembly, while also challenging the harmonic precision of the choir. The book treatment for these psalm responses is titled, A Joyful Psalm 2021, and was just released for the first time in September. A Joyful Psalm 2021 is available at www.markhaasmusic.com.

Mark Haas Music participates in both Podcast / Streaming and Practice-Track License permissions, giving license holders plenty of creative ways to use these resources with their own organizations!
K: What can our users look forward to seeing from you in the year to come? What other projects would you like our users to know about?
M: I am especially excited about the completion of the Entrance and Communion Antiphons for all Feast Days and Solemnities. These settings from the Roman Missal have been popular during this time of COVID-19, as the music is responsory-based, thus requiring some (although less) assembly singing. The antiphons also make for the perfect prelude and / or post-Communion pieces, as they draw from the text that has been selected by the Church for each specific celebration. All recordings are available on YouTube for reference and at-home practice for cantors, and they will be coming to ONE LICENSE soon!
K: Anything else you would like to share with us?
M: I am grateful to all of the pastoral musicians who have been supporting new sacred music. I look forward (with hopeful anticipation) to collaborating with parish musicians again soon!

Mark Haas – Biography
Mark Haas is an award-winning composer of sacred, concert, jazz, and media music. Mark’s sacred music has been sung in over 600 parishes, in 10 countries, including musical settings for various ordinations and dedications. In 2017, his orchestration of Michael Accurso’s I Will Praise Your Name Forever was presented by the North Carolina Symphony Orchestra during the Dedication of Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral in Raleigh, NC. In 2013, Mark became the founding director of the St. Martin de Porres Orchestra in Yorba Linda, CA, of which he orchestrated over 50 liturgical companion pieces for full orchestra. In 2016, his original choral work, Prayer of St. Francis, was sung for Mass at the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Assisi, Italy. Mark’s music is published by TRN Music and World Library Publications / GIA Publications, Inc. Mark holds a BFA in Music Composition from Marshall University and an MFA in Music Composition from the University of North Carolina School of the Arts. He currently lives in Charleston, WV, with his wife Renae and their five original compositions.
Photo copyright: Igor Starkov. This image is available for download at www.pexels.com.