This piece was originally published on September 3, 2021.
Alright, everyone, back to class! Today we are discussing our School Licenses. ONE LICENSE understands that many schools offer chapel services that require licensing, but schools operate differently than churches and other religious organizations. To honor this, we offer a School License.
Our School Licenses work just like our Annual Reprint Licenses, but the pricing acknowledges key differences between the organizations. Thousands of primary schools, secondary schools, and universities globally use our School License as a way to engage their students and assemblies. Many of the schools we work with only meet for nine months out of the year. Many schools offer chapel services only once a month. The School License pricing model reflects these fundamental differences.

You also see that our School Licenses reflect on your total student enrollment rather than your average weekly attendance at worship services through the school year. Our license pricing is rooted in justice, using an equitable pricing model.
Like our Annual Reprint License (designed for churches and other non-school organizations), you can bundle the School Reprint License with our Podcast / Streaming License. The bundle options have been beneficial for many schools that engage in online learning and continue their chapel services. It can also be helpful when inviting alumni, parents, grandparents, and other special guests to participate in your services from afar.
If your parish and school are connected and want to share a license, the School License would not be the best fit for your organization. In this case, you would want to consider our Annual Reprint License (and potentially bundle with our Podcast / Streaming License) with an attendance level that reflects both your average weekly congregation attendance as well as school enrollment. For example, if St. Joseph’s Church and St. Joseph’s School would like to share a license, they are welcome to since they are a shared entity. In this case, they will want to share an Annual Reprint License (and potentially bundle Podcast / Streaming permissions) with a Category size that includes both the parish’s average weekly attendance numbers and the enrollment numbers for the school. On the other hand, if St. Joseph’s, St. Mary’s, and St. Damien’s all funnel into St. Sebastian’s High School, they would not be able to share a license. In this case, each church would hold its own Annual License (and Podcast / Streaming if applicable), and St. Sebastian’s would need their own School License.
Feel free to contact the ONE LICENSE team if you need help determining which category would be best for your shared entity. We can also make sure users from both the school and the church are on the account to keep reporting accurate.
If you have a district that would like to obtain license coverage for all schools under that umbrella, you may want to consider our Group License. Learn more about our Group License in this article:

Your school can also add a Single-Use or Event License to enhance your ministry. These can be beneficial for larger events, such as a Baccalaureate or graduation, where you are inviting potentially hundreds of individuals to join you. You can also use this for any special retreats you may offer your students and faculty.
ONE LICENSE is proud to offer our School License as an economical option for our partners in education. If you have further questions or concerns, contact our team at We are always happy to help.
Photo copyright: RODNAE Productions. This image is available for download at